名才mchr——数智一体化人力资源管理平台的开创者 上海仁力名才软件有限公司(中文简称:名才; 英文简称:mchr)以成为全球优秀的人力资源科技服务公司为愿景,基于深厚的互联网技术沉淀,打造符合企业需求的全新人力资源管理系统,助力管理转型升级,实现业绩的可持续增长。
名才mchr总部位于上海徐汇滨江,在北京、深圳、杭州、长沙设有服务中心。业务覆盖中国、亚洲、欧洲和北美等国家和地区。 名才mchr拥有完全独立的知识产权,并且通过ISO质量认证、双软认证以及企业3A级信用等级认证。名才mchr打造的人力资源管理平台涵盖组织发展管理、薪酬福利管理、全员绩效管理、多元培训管理、人才发展管理和员工自助管理等人力资源专业化服务。
项目内容:LOGO设计 / VI设计 / 品牌管理咨询
As a professional eHR system supplier, MCHR has developed their business to the countries of Asia, Europe and North America, aspiring to become a global enterprise and create a new brand image to face the increasing competitive challenges. Knowing its technological advantages and strong strengths, MCHR have faith in their capable of dealing with threats.
To tell the compelling story of MCHR and its products and services in the fierce global market, we need to define the value that MCHR brings to the market. It was clear that MCHR had a solid background in eHR and a focus on the technological changes brought about by technology, their vision: “Become the world leading human resource information technology company" , leaded the direction for the company.
After reviewing the visual images in HR field, we found that the HR leading companies had neglected the element of HUMAN in their brand image, so we boldly used HUMAN as the core creative concept in terms of differentiation and cultural matching. We used the visual strategy of HUMAN+ HORIZON to emphasize MCHR's global vision and ability to focus on HR, which reflects the direct association with the Chinese word: Accomplish Outstanding Talent. We created a package of design expressions for MCHR that conveyed the company's mission and commitment. It is a full set of visual elements about human, reflects to brand logo, illustrations and icons, to elaborate that the critical core in HR is to focus on people, which is the foundation of all of MCHR's products and service systems. The new identity uses a color system that is dynamic, modern, and differentiated from the industry, and conveys an optimistic and positive sense of technology - a departure from the rigorous, staid style of the industry.
The new brand image of MCHR officially unveil at the industry summit that was hold at the end of 2021, it gives MCHR a distinctive identity from China to worldwide. With a differentiated and international visual system, it has prompted MCHR to emerge among thousands of HR companies in China and lead the market development in China.
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